Last Day in Ireland and Coming Home

Hello everyone! I am back in the United States! On the last day we spent in Ireland, we took a train from Galway to Dublin. In Dublin, we went to a Gaelic Football Game with the Angle’s (missionaries). Gaelic Football is basically a combination of all sports. You bounce the ball like a basketball every few steps or kick it up to yourself. You pass it down the field to each other like a volleyball or pass it like a soccer ball. In order to score, the player kicks it into the soccer goal for 3 points or into the football goal for 1 point. It was a very intense game and fun to watch. We were all rooting for the Dublin team who ended up winning. It was also very cold that day and actually started snowing towards the end of the game! After the game, we had dinner together for the last time in Ireland and then took our stuff to the hotel next to the airport. Monday morning we woke up at 1 am to head to the airport. After a 2 hour delay, our plane left Dublin. We made it to Chicago and because of the delay, we drove back to Grace instead of flying to Fort Wayne. Our luggage went on to Fort Wayne but we got it today! I am glad to be back, even though Ireland is a great country. Thank you everyone for your prayers and donations! It is greatly appreciated!

With love,


Galway, Caves, Cliffs of Moher, and Aran Islands

Two days ago, we arrived here in Galway. It is a much smaller town than Dublin and Belfast. The first day here we just explored the town and rested. Yesterday, we went on  a tour to the Cliffs of Moher! This is what I have been looking forward to the most on this trip. On the way, we were able to walk through one of the old caves in Ireland. It was cool but also cold and damp. Then we went to the cliffs! They were gorgeous. It was hazy here and there but we could still see the beauty of God’s creation. Today, we took a bus to the Aran Islands. There, we were able to climb to the highest point and look over the cliffs. It used to be a fort a long time ago. You will be able to see what I am talking about in the pictures above! The land of Ireland is very beautiful.

Hello Everyone! Later tonight I will write a post and update you all on the last few days. Headed to the Aran Islands today, thanks for all the prayers!

Quick update tonight: Yesterday we went to the Chester Beatty Library, which is basically a museum. It held a lot of old manuscripts, including some from the Gospels and Romans. They were very interesting.  Then we spent the rest of the day at the Kilmanheim Gaol (Jail). It was interesting, but very cold because the whole thing was made out of Limestone. Today, we had a free day. I, along with two other girls, went to the Arts and History Museum. We then went to the Trinity College Library, where the Book of Kells is. The library was super impressive. It appears in the second Star Wars movie and also reminded me of the library in Beauty and the Beast. The rest of the free time we spent shopping and buying some gifts for others. Tomorrow, we are headed off to Galway!

Hello again! Yesterday we got back late and had to leave early in the morning so I did not get around to posting. Yesterday was a very scenic day. We took a bus tour and visited some castles, and went to a rope bridge that was a part of the gorgeous coastline. Pictures to follow later on as words can not describe the beauty of the view! From there we went to Giant’s Causeway which is a very interesting piece of land that looks handmade but is not. It was definitely the handy work of God. On the bus, an Irish man in his 50’s sat next to me and helped me learn more about the culture and countryside. I discovered that he was a Christian, which was very cool. I learned a lot on that tour. Once we got back from that tour, we went to a Baptist church in Belfast. It was really good. The people were very friendly.

Today, we woke up very early to take a train to Dublin. It was my first time on a train! It was pretty smooth. Once we arrived in Dublin, we walked around the city A LOT. We took a walking tour in the afternoon and it was pretty cold out. I was shivering. My feet were also very sore at the end.  This town has a lot of history and we learned a lot of weird facts about it today. We visited Trinity College as well, where the buildings are beautiful. This evening, we had the privilege of  visiting the Ingle’s home, who are missionaries here in Dublin. They are a very nice family and they helped us better understand why there is such a ‘block’ that makes short term missions nearly impossible, and the ministry work that they do. That pretty much sums up the last few days. I am still getting motion sickness here and there and some headaches as well. Thank you so much for your prayers!!